Saturday, June 20, 2009

Omron HJ-105 Pedometer with Calorie Counter, PURPLE

The Omron pedometer (HJ-105) has some very nice features. You input the time of day, your weight, the average length of your stride, and it will tell you the total number of steps each day, plus the number of aerobic steps (how does it know? I don't know!), the number of calories expended and the number of miles.

The included manual is easy to understand and the interface is intuitive, at least to me.

Be careful you don't cut the manual when you cut the industrial-strength plastic case to get at the pedometer. I did, and I had to tape some pages together.

It's a good product. I bought ten and am re-selling them to friends who want to lose weight and be healthier.

I almost forgot the best part: it resets itself every 24 hours!
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